Garden District Security District

Security Services

Residents of the Garden District may report an abandoned vehicle in the district to the GDSD patrol officers. The information is passed along immediately to the city’s abandoned vehicles department. It is important that you call 311 to report the same. You will need to provide the color, make, model and license plate number of the vehicle as well as its location.

If your home or business is equipped with an alarm service, please be sure to include the GDSD patrol and the NOPD as priority contacts. The (504)899-GDSD number should be given to your alarm service company as soon as possible so that service will be effective for you and your neighbors should an emergency occur.

NOTE: The City of New Orleans has instituted a law that restricts the number of false alarms each property can have each year before a penalty is levied. Please make sure your alarm is in proper working condition to avoid such penalties.

To request a vacation check for home or business, please call (504)899-GDSD to provide the officer with the information about your property and a telephone number where you may be reached in case of an emergency. Officers will take care to check your premises while you are gone, but you are asked to take extra precautions to secure all gates, doors and windows and other belongings. It is also suggested that a neighbor or family member collect your newspapers and mail, since the officers will not be allowed to handle such tasks. Also, please leave a key and alarm passcode with an in-town friend and give their name and telephone number to the GDSD patrol in case your alarm sounds. Most alarms cycle for quite some time before shutting down on their own. This can create a big disturbance for your neighbors. 

The Commander of the 6th District NOPD usually holds a monthly meeting with area neighbors to discuss concerns and release information on criminal activity in the area. These meetings are often held virtually. Please contact the Sixth District for specific dates and times to join in: (504)658-6060.

It has been proven nationwide that community policing and neighborhood watchers are some of the best ways to control crime and keep neighborhoods safe. Here in the GDSD, the supplemental patrol will make community security a top priority, but the officers need your help. It is important that you and your neighbors get to know your officers. Communicate with them on a regular basis and let them know your concerns about the area so they can better serve you. Communication is the first and most important step toward neighborhood safety.


Mike lentz
Post Commander.

NOPD Detail Officers:
One officer is on duty in the evenings:
Call (504)899-4373, and ask for Unit 6.

Officers and shift duties are subject to change without public notice.

As part of our regular scope of duties, the GDSD patrol provides a periodic report of all light outages in the area to the City and Entergy. You can help us by reporting an outage to the city’s repair line by calling 311.

You and your neighbors can help brighten your area by adding lights to the exterior of your house or by adding a street light on your block for very little cost. Entergy offers a program that allows anyone to order a light to be installed for free, and then pay a nominal monthly fee ($15 – $40) for usage. It is a quick process. The light can be installed within a few days and then billed through your current monthly Entergy bill. If the light breaks, Entergy will fix it at no charge to you as the light belongs to them, not the city.

To benefit your family and your neighbors, please consider lighting up your block if you find it especially dark. Simply call Entergy at 1-866-603-0192 or visit their website ( to get started.

Thank you for your help and participation. We appreciate your assistance in making our neighborhood a safe place to live.

Over the past two years, the GDSD Board of Commissioners has been diligently working with our patrol provider, Pinnacle Security, to enhance safety in our neighborhood. Currently, we have three around-the-clock armed security officers in vehicles patrolling the Garden District, on-demand security escorts from car-to-door, vacation checks, and incident tracking on

While crime remains a citywide problem, statistics show that these activities have resulted in the Garden District having one of the lowest crime rates in Orleans Parish. 

This summer, we are excited to introduce our newest initiative to decrease crime: THE GARDEN DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD CAMERA PROGRAM

After a comprehensive search process, the Board of Commissioners has partnered with Lumana AI and WesRay Technologies to implement a street-facing neighborhood-wide surveillance system. Using cameras mounted on individual residential and commercial properties linked to a centralized server, Lumana Systems AI technology will be deployed to identify and report suspicious activity directly to our partners at Pinnacle Security. Examples of Lumana’s capabilities include:

Behavioral Detection: Individuals loitering near a vehicle for more than 10 seconds

Body Recognition: Images of persons of interest/prior uploaded into the system as known suspects 

License Plate Reading: Post-incident vehicle tracking

Our ultimate goal is to blanket the Garden District with four cameras on most corners, drastically increasing the patrol team’s eyes and ears on the street. Corner lots  have the most advantageous positioning to capture comprehensive block-long footage uptown, downtown, lakeside, and riverside. As such, we are offering property owners with corner lots  the opportunity to host four cameras on their property.

The security assessment you pay annually to the city via your property taxes for GDSD protection will cover all equipment and streaming charges. Your only responsibility will be a one-time cost for installation of the cameras which we estimate at an average of $2,500 and potentially less if we are able to use your existing system.

You may choose to cover this cost entirely; though some neighbors have discussed sharing the cost among the residents within the block covered. We are happy to help you facilitate these conversations with your neighbors. 

For more information please visit our FAQs. GDSD Camera program #2 FAQ 6.16.docx

 To register for a consultation, please click here and complete this form.

We  look forward to working with you to keep our neighborhood safe and secure.